Cattle Marketing
The Iowa Cattlemen's Association has been working for years to increase producers' leverage, improve price discovery, and better situate the independent Iowa cattlemen in the fed cattle markets.
ICA News
Our official news releases keep media and members in-the-know regarding our advocacy efforts on behalf of Iowa's cattlemen.
ICA Releases Impact Report
The Iowa Cattlemen's Association recently released last year's Impact Report. This report features highlights from the 2023 - 2024 membership year.
As an association, we set out to provide more regular and transparent communication to enhance the understanding of the value of your membership. This report is a step in that direction.
Within the report, you will find information on policy priorities and successes. One big win for ICA was the work done on the Livestock Capital Gains Bill. Work on this bill, which was signed into law, is estimated to save cattle producers $18 million over the next five years.
Also within the report, you will find spotlights on key programs and the reach of these efforts. We've reminded you of a few membership perks and provided an easy reference for our member services team.

Our Mission:
Grow Iowa's beef cattle business through advocacy, leadership, and education.